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Tasha McCray

When I met Dr. Aikyna I knew how to run my businesses (so I thought), but after she took me on as a client I realized very quickly that I was just a “worker bee.” Yes, I was making money but working really hard at the same time. Dr. Aikyna walked me through systems and processes that made entrepreneurship easy. She took the things I was doing and put them on autopilot as well as revamped my social media and website which freed up my time to get myself into more trouble…lol. I created more businesses and forgot about what she had taught me. So, I’m working with her again to get my life back on track. 


I highly recommend hiring Dr.Aikyna. She is the BEST!



Justin Brown
Justin Brown Biz

I got the honor and privilege of hearing Dr. Finch teach me about social media brand awareness and I was blown away by her expertise and clarity in what she taught! It was certainly a top-notch speech that I recommend for anyone looking to optimize their online presence.

Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever
The Exceptional Leadership Institute for Women

Dr. Finch is an absolute genius when it comes to understanding how to utilize social media platforms in bold and impactful ways. Always on the cutting edge of the latest innovations, she is a true industry leader in this space. Just 10 minutes with her helped me to completely revamp my LinkedIn profile and benefits from those changes continue to compound daily. If you need to better understand social media and how to leverage it to the benefit of your bottom line, then you need to work with Dr. Finch.